20 of the Most Outlandish Pop Culture Tin Foil Hat Theories
Carly Tennes
We all know the classics when it comes to tin-foil hat theories. Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself. The moon landing was Stanley Kubrick's greatest cinematic work. Keith Richards is actually a former U.S. President John F. Kennedy. But not all theories are created equal. Enter some of the insanely silly rumors fans have conjured about their favorite stars.
To the boy bander who is Princess Diana reincarnated ... at least according to K-pop stans — to Harry Styles not actually being hairy at all, here are the 20 funniest tin foil hat theories that we only hope to God are true.
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“A teenage Diana Ross and the older Smokey Robinson were Michael Jackson's biological parents but made to give him up ; some incredible deep dives out there in part using their various catalogs as evidence.” -
“Any conspiracy involving Beyoncé is usually pretty insane. If corners of the internet are to be believed, she and Jay are higher ups in the illuminati and she’s a devil worshiper and put messages backwards in her songs. She’s way older than she says she is and is actually Solange’s mother, Kelly is really her sister, and she faked her pregnancy and wore an inflatable stomach and carried around a fake baby. And I’m sure there’s many more.” -
“I really enjoy the conspiracy theory that Stevie Wonder is actually not blind. Like, it's so weird, why guys? Why would a dude fake blindness for his whole life? Idk it makes me chuckle bc it's so silly.” -
“Sia being locked in Beyoncé’s basement is iconic.” -
“That Madonna predicted Coronavirus with her Eurovision performance in 2019.” -
“Lea Michele being illiterate, especially with the surprising amount of evidence that people have been able to gather to support it.” -
“Sam Smith and Adele are the same person. When one is active and is releasing songs, the other isn't. Also, they lost weight more less at the same time. And if you change the pitch of their voices, you get almost the other one's voices.” -
“‘Challengers’ was funded by Big Tennis™ because pickleball was getting too popular” -
“Avril Lavigne dying in the early 2000s and being replaced by a body double for her subsequent releases.” -
“The people who say that Katy Perry is secretly JonBenet Ramsey make very little sense to me.” -
"That The Weeknd is actually Justin Bieber in disguise. Once I stumbled on a youtube video that made an impassioned and compelling if not very factually backed argument. Now listen, it was very amusing and I really wanted to believe, but even my conspiracy addled brain couldn't compute." -
“Kylie Minogue and Rick Astley's music was sung by the same person.” -
“Lindsay Lohan really did have a twin but died from [an] overdose.” -
“Britney Spears was hired by the Bush administration following the Iraq war in order to get into scandals and cause a distraction whenever a scandal surrounding the Bush administration occurred.” -
“Nick Cannon has lupus, a disease where the body’s immune system attacks its own tissue….A better genetic match between donor and patient usually has better outcomes/lower chance of organ rejection. Thus, the theory is that Nick Cannon is essentially breeding an organ farm. More kids means more potential good-match donors for various tissues, including kidney, one of the most commonly affected systems in lupus patients.” -
“Khloe Kardashian being OJ Simpson's daughter is starting to make a lot of sense to me.” -
“That Harry Styles is secretly bald (like Dr. Evil-levels of bald!) and wears wigs to conceal it. There are dedicated believers out there who scrutinize his pics and video appearances to find moments when the edges of his wig are supposedly visible or unsecured.” -
“That all the characters on The White Lotus S1 are based on the contestants from Mike White’s season of Survivor.” -
“Marilyn Manson is the kid from the Wonder Years.” -
“The “Jungkook [of K-pop boy band BTS] is Princess Diana [reincarnated]” theory comes from the fact that he was born the same day/day after princess Diana died.”
- 20 Quotes That Sound Fake But Are All Too Real
“A teenage Diana Ross and the older Smokey Robinson were Michael Jackson's biological parents but made to give him up ; some incredible deep dives out there in part using their various catalogs as evidence.”